How to use the catalogue
Welcome to the U of G Experience Catalogue
Discover all the ways you can gain experience and build your skills through the University of Guelph's many experiential learning courses, programs, and partnerships. Search for opportunities using keywords or access the filter panel by clicking the black funnel icon next to the search bar. For students, the catalogue is best viewed while signed into Experience Guelph using your University of Guelph single sign-on credentials (ex. your U of G e-mail login details).Experiential Learning Courses are organized by the eight curricular experiential learning types. Courses are listed for the current semester and the next semester once course selection is available. Course details are provided for informational purposes only. Please consult the Academic Calendar for the most current course descriptions, pre-requisites, and restrictions.
Jobs and Opportunities will filter a variety of paid experiences organized by the Career module (full-time and part-time off-campus jobs) and the On-Campus Jobs and Opportunities module (opportunities to work at the U of G). If you are a student and singed into single sign-on, the job title will link directly into the system for easy application.
Don't know where to begin? Book a 15-minute experiential learning consultation with an EL Hub Peer Helper to get started! If you have questions or suggestions about this catalogue, please contact the Experiential Learning Hub at